Endometriosis Treatment in New York City

Endometriosis Treatment in New York City

Endometriosis and Infertility

Are you searching for effective endometriosis treatment in New York City? Look no further! At Maiden Lane Medical Downtown, we have the expertise and state-of-the-art facilities to address your needs. Endometriosis is a complex condition that affects millions of women worldwide, causing pain and potential fertility issues. But fear not, our team of dedicated specialists is here to help. From endometrioma surgery to managing pelvic pain and irregular periods, we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your unique situation. With our compassionate care and cutting-edge treatments, you can regain control over your health and live your best life. Trust us to provide top-notch endometriosis treatment in the heart of New York City.

We perform endometrioma surgery at Maiden Lane Medical Downtown in New York City using advanced techniques and expertise. Endometriomas are cysts that form on the ovaries as a result of endometriosis. These cysts can cause a range of symptoms, including pelvic pain, painful periods, and difficulty conceiving. When these symptoms become severe or affect a woman's quality of life, surgery may be recommended.

Laparoscopic surgery is the preferred method for treating endometriomas. This minimally invasive procedure involves making small incisions in the abdomen and inserting a thin, lighted tube called a laparoscope. The surgeon then uses small instruments to remove the cysts without damaging the surrounding tissue.

The recurrence rate for endometriomas after surgery can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the disease and the skill of the surgeon. At Maiden Lane Medical Downtown, our experienced gynecological surgeons take great care to ensure complete removal of the endometriomas and minimize the risk of recurrence. We work closely with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan and provide ongoing support and monitoring to optimize outcomes.

If you are experiencing symptoms of endometriomas, such as pelvic pain or infertility, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable team at Maiden Lane Medical Downtown. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of care and expertise in endometrioma surgery to help improve your quality of life.


New York City

Endometriosis and infertility


Pelvic Pain Specialists

At Maiden Lane Medical Downtown, our team of experienced specialists focuses on providing comprehensive care for pelvic pain. We understand that pelvic pain can significantly impact a person's quality of life, and our goal is to alleviate that pain and improve overall well-being. Our specialists employ a range of treatment options, including minimally invasive procedures, hormonal therapies, and pain management techniques. When it comes to treating pelvic pain, we prioritize the use of minimally invasive procedures whenever possible. These procedures, such as laparoscopy or hysteroscopy, allow us to diagnose and treat conditions with smaller incisions, resulting in less pain, faster recovery, and minimal scarring.

Additionally, minimally invasive procedures can often be performed on an outpatient basis, reducing the need for hospitalization. Hormonal therapies are another important aspect of our approach to pelvic pain. By using medications that regulate hormone levels, such as birth control pills or hormonal intrauterine devices, we can help manage pain associated with conditions like endometriosis or adenomyosis. These therapies work by controlling the menstrual cycle and reducing inflammation, providing relief for many patients.

In addition to minimally invasive procedures and hormonal therapies, our specialists employ various pain management techniques to address pelvic pain. These may include physical therapy, nerve blocks, or acupuncture. We understand that pain is a complex and individualized experience, so we work closely with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs. At Maiden Lane Medical Downtown, our team of pelvic pain specialists is dedicated to providing compassionate and effective care. We strive to minimize pain, improve quality of life, and help our patients regain control over their health.

Irregular Periods

Irregular Periods

When addressing pelvic pain, our experienced specialists at Maiden Lane Medical Downtown understand the importance of addressing irregular periods. Irregular periods can be a sign of underlying health issues such as hormone imbalance or menstrual cycle disorders. These conditions can cause a variety of symptoms, including menstrual cramps that are more severe than usual.

Hormone imbalance occurs when there is an abnormality in the levels of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body. This can lead to irregular periods, as well as other symptoms such as mood swings, weight gain, and fatigue. Our specialists can diagnose hormone imbalance through a series of tests and develop a personalized treatment plan to restore hormonal balance. Menstrual cycle disorders refer to any condition that affects the regularity of a woman's periods. This can include conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or uterine fibroids.

These disorders can cause irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and severe menstrual cramps. Our specialists can provide a thorough evaluation and offer effective treatment options to manage these conditions. At Maiden Lane Medical Downtown, we understand the impact that irregular periods can have on a woman's quality of life. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and personalized treatment plans to address the underlying causes of irregular periods and improve overall health and well-being.

Endometriosis Treatment in New York City

Frequently Asked Questions

We experience common symptoms of endometriosis that may require treatment in New York City, such as pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and infertility. There are various endometriosis treatment options available, and specialized endometriosis specialists at Maiden Lane Medical Downtown can provide expert care.



Recovery time after endometrioma surgery varies, but typically takes a few weeks. At Maiden Lane Medical Downtown in New York City, we provide comprehensive treatment and support to ensure a smooth recovery process.


There are alternative therapies and non-pharmaceutical options available for pelvic pain caused by endometriosis. Integrative approaches, such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, and dietary changes, can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.



Irregular periods can have various causes, such as hormonal imbalances or underlying health conditions. Effective management strategies may include lifestyle changes, medication, or hormonal therapies. Consulting with a healthcare provider is essential for accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment options.

Yes, we offer support and counseling services for individuals dealing with the emotional impact of endometriosis. We understand the importance of addressing the mental well-being alongside the physical treatment.